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14. Deficiencies in the Body of Christ

1. Christ assumed a true human body with the normalrequirements of that body, and with the limitations and thedeficiencies connatural to such a body, excluding those that coulddetract from the dignity of perfect human nature. Thus Christ couldsuffer in his body such things as hunger, thirst, pain, death.These hardships or defects are in themselves punishments for thesin which Christ had not. But it is suitable that he who came asman to atone for human sin should take on the nonstainingpunishments consequent in man upon the original sin. By assuminghuman nature with these bodily deficiencies, our Lord both provedhis true humanity, and gave to all men a most noble example ofhumble and patient endurance.

2. It is by natural necessity that a child of Adam hassuch deficiencies as the enduring of hunger, thirst, pain, death.And God chose to become man as a true child of Adam. It was bydivine Will in the effecting of the incarnation that the flesh wasthus allowed to do and to endure what belonged to it to do andsuffer.

3. Human beings are said to contract the defectsof human nature inasmuch as these are due to sin and are inheritedby the sin-infected offspring of a sinful first parent. It is notso with the human nature ofChrist. Our Lord did not inheritsin; he did not contract or inherit the consequences of sin in hisbody. He assumed sinless human nature. He might have assumed humannature without any bodily deficiencies at all. Those defects whichhe took, he took by his own will to let natural necessity have itsway in all that is not degrading- not setting this necessity asideby exercise of his divine power.

4. Christ as man did not have defects that conflict with hisperfect knowledge, grace, and dignity. He was not, for instance,subject to sickness, or disease, or disfigurement, or suppuratingsores, or broken bones.

"We must not be behind time in doing good; for death will not be behind his time. "
St Phillip Neri

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"It is well to choose some one good devotion, and to stick to it, and never to abandon it."
St Philip Neri

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"God gives us some things, as the beginning of faith, even when we do not pray. Other things, such as perseverance, he has only provided for those who pray."
St Augustine

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