Choose a topic from Part 3a:

12. Christ's Acquired Knowledge

1. There is in Christ's human soul every perfectionconnatural to the soul, including an active intellectwhich renders things understandable, and an intellect properlyso called which grasps these under-standables and holds themas knowledge. Hence there is acquired knowledge in Christas man. It is perfect knowledge in its kind; that is, Christ knowsby his acquired knowledge whatever can be humanly known through theservice of the intellect.

1. Christ as God is almighty. Our point of inquiry herehas to do with Christ as man. We ask about the power ofChrist's soul, which is a creature, and not almighty initself.

2. Now, the human intellect does not grasp all thingsintelligible in a single instant, but goes on and on, by theprocess called abstraction, forming idea after idea. Thushuman acquired knowledge increases. And so of Christ it is said inscripture (Luke 2:52), that he "advanced in wisdom . .."

2. The soul of Christ has not of itself the powerto change a creature of one kind into something of anotheressential kind. Of course, the soul of Christ asinstrument of the Godhead can perform all miracles.

3. Yet Christ was not a pupil; he was not really taught byany human being. He says (John 18:37): "For this was I born,and for this came I into the world, that I should give testimony tothe truth." It was not suitable to the dignity of him who cameto teach truth, that he should himself be taught by those he cameto instruct.

3. Christ's human soul had not an almighty power overhis own body. For such things as the health and growth of the bodyare not managed by a man's own reason and will; neither werethese things subject to Christ's human reason and will.

4. Thus Christ as man was not taught by men. Neither washe taught by angels. For his acquired knowledge, the angelicministry is not required. For his infused knowledge, the hypostaticunion fills his human soul with knowledge without the mediation ofangels or any creatures. Christ's human acquired knowledge isacquired and possessed as a perfection of his perfect human nature,not as a necessity for his information.

4. Yet in the carrying out of his will, the soul of Christhad a real almightiness. For he had such wisdom that he would notwill to do what was not subject to his human power as such, and hehad such perfection that he actually willed all that God'spower was to effect in him, for instance, his Resurrection. Thusthe human soul of Christ had omnipotence in the execution of hishuman will, in the sense that what his will actually decreed couldnot but come to pass.

"The greatest glory we can give to God is to do his will in everything."
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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"To do God's will -- this was the goal upon which the saints constantly fixed their gaze. They were fully persuaded that in this consists the entire perfection of the soul. "
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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"Obedience is a short cut to perfection."
St Philip Neri

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