Choose a topic from Part 3a:

9. Knowledge in Christ

1. As God, Christ has all knowledge. As man, he has allthe human perfections, including a human mind with its human orcreated knowledge.

2. Christ as man has the knowledge that the blessed soulsenjoy in heaven, that is, the knowledge of God directly seen inbeatific vision.

3. The beatific knowledge of Christ as beheld in thevision is joined in Christ as man with all possible creaturalknowledge. For the human nature of Christ, because it is joinedhypostatically with the divine Nature, has to be perfect in allrespects. Therefore, as Scripture testifies (Col. 2:3), in Christare "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

4. In Christ as man there is beatific knowledge,and the fullness of infused knowledge. There is alsoacquired knowledge in Christ as man, for he is perfect inhis human nature, and the human faculties of that nature functionedin him perfectly. Hence, even though he has perfect knowledge tobegin with, he also, during his earthly fife, learned things in ahuman way.

"Though the path is plain and smooth for people of good will, those who walk it will not travel far, and will do so only with difficulty if they do not have good feet, courage, and tenacity of spirit. "
St John of the Cross, OCD - Doctor of the Church

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"He who wishes to be perfectly obeyed, should give but few orders."
St Philip Neri

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"Those who love God are always happy, because their whole happiness is to fulfill, even in adversity, the will of God."
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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