Choose a topic from Part 3a:
1. The human body of Christ is a true human body, notmerely an apparent body. The Son of God assumed true human nature,and to this nature a real body belongs. If the body of Christ weremerely an apparent body, there would have been something fictitiousin the work of redemption. For if Christ had not a real body, hecould not really have died.
2. Christ's body, like every true human body, wascomposed of real flesh, bones, tissue, etc. It was not made of someincorruptible matter different from the structure of other humanbodies.
3. And the Son of God becoming incarnate also assumed atrue human soul. Without such a soul there is no human nature, andGod assumed human nature,
4. To assume a human soul is to assume the faculties orpowers of that soul. Hence, God in becoming man assumed a humanintellect and a human will.
"The supreme perfection of man in this life is to be so united to God that all his soul with all its faculties and powers are so gathered into the Lord God that he becomes one spirit with him, and remembers nothing except God, is aware of and recognises nothing but God, but with all his desires unified by the joy of love, he rests contentedly in the enjoyment of his Maker alone."
St Albert the Great
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"Lord, here burn, here cut, and dry up in me all that hinders me from going to You, that You may spare me in eternity."
St Louis Bertrand
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"Many words do not satisfy the soul; but a good life eases the mind and a clean conscience inspires great trust in God."
Thomas á Kempis
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