Choose a topic from Part 2B:

7. Effects of Faith

1. Faith makes us aware of God's judgment, and thusarouses fear of incurring penalties for sin. This isservile fear. And faith also makes the soul fear to beseparated from God by sin, and to deserve the penalties ofsin. This is filial fear. Servile fear is an effect oflifeless faith; filial fear is an effect of living faith.

2. Faith raises the heart and reason to the love of God,and so takes away or lessens our tendency to cling to creaturalgoods. Thus, an effect of faith is the purifying of the heart.

"Many words do not satisfy the soul; but a good life eases the mind and a clean conscience inspires great trust in God."
Thomas á Kempis

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"It is vanity to be concerned with the present only and not to make provision for things to come."
Thomas á Kempis

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"Men should often renew their good resolutions, and not lose heart because they are tempted against them."
St Philip Neri

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