Choose a topic from Part 2B:

16. Precepts of Faith, Knowledge, and Understanding

1. The precept of faith-the command to believe in thearticles of faith-is given perfectly in the New Law. In the OldLaw, the precept of faith is presupposed; it is understood ingeneral, and not expressed in specific and detailed terms.

2. The Old Law contains precepts of knowledge andunderstanding with reference to man's end. These precepts aremore clearly and perfectly set forth in the New Law.

"If, devout soul, it is your will to please God and live a life of serenity in this world, unite yourself always and in all things to the divine will. Reflect that all the sins of your past wicked life happened because you wandered from the path of God's will. For the future, embrace God's good pleasure and say to him in every happening: "Yea, Father, for so it hath seemed good in thy sight." "
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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"Let no one wear a mask, otherwise he will do ill; and if he has one, let him burn it."
St Philip Neri

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"If you wish to learn and appreciate something worth while, then love to be unknown and considered as nothing. Truly to know and despise self is the best and most perfect counsel."
Thomas á Kempis

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