Choose a topic from Part 2B:

84. Exterior Acts of Religion: Adoration

1. Divine adoration or latria is worship given to Godalone. It is the highest type of religious reverence. The reverencewe pay to the saints and angels is called dulia.Sometimes, especially in the older books and formulas, dulia iscalled adoration; but it is never calleddivineadoration. And the chief act of latria or divine adoration (thatis, the act of sacrifice), is never performed to express dulia, butonly to express latria; sacrifice is offered to God alone.{-To Mary, the Mother of God, is offered a reverencewhich is higher than that offered to the other saints and to theangels; this reverence to Mary is called hyperdulia. It isa superior form of dulia; it is never latria. Latria is divineworship, divine adoration; it is given to no creatures, not even tothe most perfect of creatures; it is given only to God.-}

2. We are divinely commanded to adore God with our entirebeing -heart, soul, mind, strength-for we are, body and soul,God's creatures and children. Hence, there must be external orexterior acts of latria as well as internal acts. To be sure, allsuch exterior acts have meaning as the expression of interioradoration in the soul.

3. God is rightly adored at all times and in all places.But, for the formal exercise of external acts of latria, it isfitting, and even necessary, that there should be a special andsuitable place for divine worship.

"Whoever wants to stand alone without the support of a master and guide will be like the tree that stands alone in a field without a proprietor. No matter how much the tree bears, passers-by will pick the fruit before it ripens. "
St John of the Cross, OCD - Doctor of the Church

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"It is vanity to be concerned with the present only and not to make provision for things to come."
Thomas á Kempis

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"If, devout soul, it is your will to please God and live a life of serenity in this world, unite yourself always and in all things to the divine will. Reflect that all the sins of your past wicked life happened because you wandered from the path of God's will. For the future, embrace God's good pleasure and say to him in every happening: "Yea, Father, for so it hath seemed good in thy sight." "
St Alphonsus de Liguori

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