Choose a topic from Part 1:
1. In the state of innocence, children would have beenborn in righteousness or grace. Just as the children of fallenfirst parents inherit the original sin, so the children of sinlessfirst parents would have inherited the original righteousness.
2. But children born in the state of innocence would nothave been confirmed in grace. They would have been capable ofcommitting sin. Man is never confirmed in grace until he beholdsthe beatific vision.
"Let no one wear a mask, otherwise he will do ill; and if he has one, let him burn it."
St Philip Neri
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"God looks neither at long nor beautiful prayers, but at those that come from the heart."
The Cure D'Ars
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"This is the greatest wisdom -- to seek the kingdom of heaven through contempt of the world. "
Thomas á Kempis
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