Choose a topic from Part 1:
1. The Book of Life is a scriptural metaphor for predestination.
2. The life referred to in the phrase, Book of Life, is primarily the life of glory in heaven.
3. In one sense, however, anyone in the state of grace is in the Book of Life, inasmuch as he has, at the moment, a claim to be inscribed there. And a man who rejects the state of grace by committing mortal sin is, at least temporarily, "blotted from the Book of Life."
"What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity? Indeed it is not learning that makes a man holy and just, but a virtuous life makes him pleasing to God. "
Thomas á Kempis
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"Whoever wants to stand alone without the support of a master and guide will be like the tree that stands alone in a field without a proprietor. No matter how much the tree bears, passers-by will pick the fruit before it ripens.
St John of the Cross, OCD - Doctor of the Church
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"Let persons in the world sanctify themselves in their own houses, for neither the court, professions, or labour, are any hindrance to the service of God."
St Philip Neri
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