Choose a topic from Part 2B:

41. Strife or Quarreling

1. Strife or quarreling means fighting among individuals,even as war means fighting among peoples or nations. Strife comesfrom inordinate or perverse wills. It is therefore contrary toreason; it is a sin; it can be a mortal sin.

2. Strife, as here understood, is not a mere affair ofwords as contention is; it includes deeds intended to hurt or harmanother. Strife is rightly called "the daughter ofanger."

"It is better to be burdened and in company with the strong than to be unburdened and with the weak. When you are burdened you are close to God, your strength, who abides with the afflicted. When you are relieved of the burden you are close to yourself, your own weakness; for virtue and strength of soul grow and are confirmed in the trials of patience."
St John of the Cross, OCD - Doctor of the Church

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"God speaks to us without ceasing by his good inspirations."
The Cure D'Ars

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"As the flesh is nourished by food, so is man supported by prayers"
St Augustine

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